Famous people are usually pretty stupid. You're too smart. You'd get bored to death. You don't wanna be like John Henry – fighting the machine. Just do what you do. It's about integrity. Follow your heart.
Who's John Henry?
Oh man! Folklore guy – worked on the railroad. Y'know, pounding in spikes and laying down track. Then one day they invented a machine to do it. And he says "Fuck that, I'm a MAN" and he challenges the machine to a race to lay down a mile of track. It takes two days. Neck and neck the whole time. They get right to the end, and he beats it by one spike.
So then what?
He drops dead! See?

But boom he beat it!
Yeah but he dropped dead!
Yeah but he beat it!
Just do your shit like you do it! Your friends like you, you pound the pussy what else do you want?.
They watch a long stretch limo cruises up across the street. The LIMO DRIVER opens the back door. Andy Warhol and Bruno Bischofberger step out.

Andy Warhol!
Jean scrounges in his pockets, pulls out his Xerox cards, and
readies himself as Bruno and Andy enter BALLATO'S RESTAURANT.
What're you doing? You're doing something.
He's the best painter in the world. I'm gonna give him one of these.
Don't give him anything, man. Trade. That's what real artists do with each other. Besides, he'll just use you. He's famous for that.

Now readit again and do your best BENNY...
Always good for a laugh.
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